Eastside Food Project Pick-Up Saturday 2/14/15

The February pick-up for the Food Project is this Saturday, February 14. Please place your green bags on your front porch by 9:00 am, unless your Neighborhood Coordinator has specified otherwise.

The theme for this pick-up is canned fruit, but you are always welcome to include whatever you’d like.

We are working to slowly grow this program in the Eastside, and are looking for more fooddonors” (filling a bag and placing it on your porch) as well as “neighborhood coordinators” (picking up the filled bags). If you are interested in becoming a donor or a neighborhood coordinator please get in touch – it really is very simple and does not take much time, you simply assemble as many or as few neighbors as you like to pick-up from (in other neighborhoods this ranges from 3 to 30+). And, if you know of neighbors who may be interested in participating in the program please refer them to the Food Project page on the ENA website, or request a hard-copy brochure.


School District Facility Advisory Committee Looking for Applicants

The Olympia School District is seeking volunteers to serve on a 2015 Ad Hoc Citizens’ Facility Advisory Committee. Committee members will meet one or two evenings each month during the spring and summer of 2015.

The committee will analyze the condition of existing school district facilities, consider enrollment projections and program needs and make recommendations to the school board on if and when school facilities may need to be remodeled or expanded. Recommendations from the committee will be used to develop a proposed 2016 bond for facility improvement projects. If you live within Olympia School District boundaries and would like more information and/or would like to apply to serve on the committee, please visit the district’s web site. Applications are due byFriday, Feb. 20, 2015 at 5 p.m.

If you have additional questions about serving on the Citizens’ Facility Advisory Committee please contact Tricia Nicholas in the District’s Capital Planning and Construction office at tn*******@os*.eduor (360) 596-8563.

Eastside Food Project Pick-Up – Saturday, December 13, 2014

The December pick-up for the Food Project is Saturday, December 13. Please place your green bags on your front porch by 9:00 am, unless your Neighborhood Coordinator has specified otherwise.

If you’re wondering what the Food Project is, you can learn more on the ENA website.  We’d LOVE to have more Eastside neighbors participating! This is a super easy (promise!) way to get involved and contribute to the neighborhood and the community at large.