April 2011 Board Minutes

Called to order approx 7:30pm
Present: Elaine Nelson, Chad Akins, Jenni Fleming, Ruth Middlebrook, Yvonne Fish, Nancy Thompson, Kate Wulf

13th Avenue Pea Patch: Chad spoke with TJ Johnson about the ENA having a plot in their garden this year. Cost would be approximately $15. Motion to get the plot at that cost, with Darleen leading the project and Kate assisting. Seconded, approved.

Picnic: group discussed holding a bicycle event, decided on a small kid-focused activity. Elaine, Ruth, and (tentatively) Karen Rogers will organize the activity. Nancy volunteered to lead organization of the picnic along with Kate.

Website: Elaine is interested in getting more people writing to the blog, which is now set up to automatically post to Facebook and email. She will get Yvonne and Darleen started.

Neighborhood block grant: Chad mentioned this opportunity, discussed applying for funds for the picnic. Elaine will be applying to get plants for the Fairview Pathway project. She will also send out an email when she’s ready to have volunteers for cleanup at the location.

Next potluck: date set for May 16 at the Light & Life Church building.

Newsletter: Elaine suggested a one-sheet newsletter to be put out ASAP, mostly to recruit picnic volunteers. The group agreed, and she will get a schedule out tomorrow. Ruth will contact delivery volunteers, and Jenni will send potential volunteer contact info to Ruth. Darleen volunteered to write something about the garden plot.

Adjourned approximately 8:15pm

February 2011 Board Minutes

Minutes taken February 10, 2011 by Elaine Nelson, Secretary. Chad Akins, President, presiding.

Present: Elaine Nelson, Chad Akins, Jenni Fleming, Don LeMaster (note: no quorum)
Guest: Katya Miltimore

Called to order 7:18

President’s Report – Chad Akins – We need two new board members to meet bylaws requirements. Discussed board meeting format. Suggestion to go to a consent calendar for meetings by email, moved, seconded, approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Jenni Fleming –

Account Balance
Checking $560
Savings $526.67
Signs fund $1129.11
Legion Way trees fund $350
Certificate of deposit $1015

The certificate matures on February 20. Motion to roll over, seconded, approved.

Playground project – Katya Miltimore – She is doing an internship from Evergreen at Madison Elementary. The school needs new playground equipment. Discussed fundraising issues and options, no action by the board at this time, but offered our support.

Secretary’s Report – Elaine Nelson – Discussed online membership form, motion to add to site, add processing cost to minimum due payment, seconded, approved. Discussed issue with discontinued Thriftway donation cards, will post information about ThriftECard to website.

Pathway Project – Elaine– Gave brief update on current status. Waiting for good weather to start clearing brambles and brush.

Adjourned 8:31pm

2011 Annual Meeting minutes

Minutes taken February 17, 2011 by Elaine Nelson, Secretary. Chad Akins, president, presiding.

Board Members present: Elaine Nelson, Chad Akins, Don LeMaster, Jenni Fleming, Ruth Middlebrook, Sam Schroeder

Called to order 7:04pm

Announcements: Elaine Nelson – Pathway cleanup event, Saturday February 19 at 10am.

Treasurer’s Report, Jenni Fleming: 3 new paying members this evening. Jenni will provide a complete report by email to be added here.

Elections, Chad Akins:

  • Up for re-election: Chad Akins, Elaine Nelson, Jenni Fleming
  • New nominations from the floor: Nancy Thompson, Darleen Muhly, Karen Rogers, Kate Wulf
  • Chad Akins and Don LeMaster spoke about the ENA’s role in the community, visions for the future, and board member responsibilities.
  • Moved to accept full slate of nominations, seconded, approved.

Adjourned 7:20pm.

October 2010 Board Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7pm October 12, 2010, minutes taken by Elaine Nelson, Secretary

Present: Elaine Nelson, Bev Kooi, Chad Akins, Jenni Fleming, Don LeMaster, Ruth Middlebrook

Announcements: Bev’s granddaughter was elected homecoming queen at OHS. The Lions Park grand opening will be October 14.

October potluck: seven candidates have responded.

2011 Potluck location – we have a commitment from the Light & Life Church through December. Discussion of future of that location as a potential community center. Motion: Don & Chad will speak with church staff, Chad will look into grant opportunities, Elaine will start a vision document, with a check-in on the 21st. Moved, seconded, approved.

2011 Picnic – Motion: reset annual date to second Saturday in August. Moved, seconded, approved. Elaine will send proposed planning schedule.

ENA publications: discussion of art calendar for 2012. Possible topics for future newsletters: scavenger hunt, how well do you know your neighborhood, history tidbits. Discussion of uses for trove of healthy lifestyles brochure. Three routes are in need of delivery people; Chad agreed to take one.

Legion Way trees – Motion: establish separate savings for donations received for trees. Moved, seconded, approved.

Marketing: Elaine will create starting list of outlets for promoting ENA activities. Discussion of focus for marketing and outreach efforts.

501c3 update – Mark Derricott will review liabilities and Chad will provide a report to the board by December 8 for review.

December 2010 meeting/potluck: decided against having a separate board meeting. If votes or discussion are necessary, we’ll pull aside during the potluck.

February 2011 board elections: Bev will be stepping down. All board members need to start recruiting new board members.

August 2010 Board Minutes

Present: Elaine Nelson, Bev Kooi, Don LeMaster, Ruth Middlebrook

Called to order 7:06pm at Big Tom’s Eastside.

Minutes accepted as written.

No treasurer’s report.

Pathway project (Elaine) – the location we submitted is also planned for fixes by Public Works, so our project will definitely be accepted, and we should look forward to a successful project. Will have more info after staff comes back from vacation.

Legion way trees letter (Elaine) – draft letter submitted to board for supporting Legion Way tree management plan; approved as written. Elaine will follow up to make sure it gets sent in on ENA letterhead.

Newsletter delivery update (Ruth): Mostly went well. Some routes had incorrect numbers. Discussed whether to deliver to big apartment block on Eastside, agreed that we should get some to those folks. Ruth will be continuing to update the list.


  • Need insert for yard signs: “ENA Picnic/August 21/11 am/Lions Park” in BIG font. Elaine will create and email; Bev will make sure hard copies get to those who need them. Elaine will also make sure that there are signs up at the park shelter.
  • Discussion of food. Don will be picking up bbq at 10am and set up by park shelter by 10:30am. He will also get anything we need from Costco, including an awning as discussed at the last meeting. Ruth will bring paper goods from our existing supply. Info is needed about status of hot dogs and water.
  • Discussion of entertainment and information booths, status report to follow. Ruth suggested checking with the parks department about borrowing sports equipment for the kids.
  • Materials needed for our table: potluck fliers (Bev will make), membership forms (Elaine will bring), email address signup, volunteering signup.

September potluck (Ruth) – Discussed location, decided to go with the church because of the lateness of the season. Also determined that board meeting would be two days earlier, so we will handle any board business at the potluck if necessary.

Newsletter – Discussed when to put out next newsletter. Decided that if we have a candidates forum for the next election, we should put out a newsletter prior to the October potluck. Bev will contact candidates after the primary to invite them to our event. Newsletter content deadline will be (approx) Sept 13. Proposed articles: school, pathway, legion way, meet the neighbor, treasurer/president, park update, ping-pong (?). Elaine will edit this edition, please email any additional story ideas.

Adjourned 7:50pm.

Next board meeting September 16 at Light & Life Church.