ENA Board Meeting Minutes

March 10, 2021

Virtual Meeting

Attendees: Sherry Chilcutt, Cheryl Bayle, Chris Knight, Roger Horn, Jim Rioux, Jim Sweeney.

Neighborhood Office Invitation

Sherry contacted the new neighborhood officer, but he did not respond yet. We will try to arrange for him to attend a future meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

Checking $516.86

Savings 1062.11

Signs 1305.38

Trees 153.04

Beauty 409.33

Approval of February Minutes

Approved with Edits

Blood Bank at FUMCO

Chris reported that the Blood Bank will be accepting blood donations at FUMCO on Tuesday and Wednesday, 3/15 and 3/16.

CNA Report

There were three presentations from staff at the last CNA meeting.

Amy Buckler provided an update of the housing plan. It seemed that her key message was that we will experience significant growth and we have only started to build the housing units that will be needed.

There was significant follow-up discussion about large developments being proposed for West Bay Drive and that lack adequate public process.

Stephanie Johnson shared the City’s plans for this year’s Arts Walk. Parks is planning a virtual approach that maps art throughout the City and encourages people to visit the site over the Month of April She is interested in hearing from Neighborhood Associations that wish to participate.

Teal Russell provided a homeless update. Seems like the City has reached a status quo with the Plum St. Village working well, the mitigation camp managing and looking forward to wood shelters, and unmanaged camps continuing without any good answers. There is also coming discussion of a formal RV site, but progress is slow.

RNA Grants

Jim R. has submitted a draft application for larger signboards. Lydia indicated that it is good to go.

Sherry is working with the artist Laurel Henn to finalize the application for a mural. There is a lot of interest and excitement about the project.

Missing Sidewalks on 7th Avenue

Roger said that according to Paul Horton who lives on 7th and attended a Core Team meeting, three of four property owners are okay with adding a sidewalk along the street. The Core Team will continue to work on this issue.

South Sound Children’s Reading Book Drive

Sherry reported on the ongoing Book Drive. It has been a great success in the past.

They will take books in any condition and if necessary, send them to others to handle them.

Removal of Infected Tees

Roger has contacted Tim Smythe and Michelle (Shelly) Bentley. All are waiting to hear from Michelle who indicated that she may have access to a waiver that the City has used for the insurance requirements.

Tim will also try to connect with Michelle.

Coffee Shop at Swantown Inn

The board discuss additional steps that could be taken to help efforts to get a coffee stand at the Inn.

The Board was generally in favor, but without better information about what others in the neighborhood feel, did not feel ready to provide a written endorsement.

Jim R recommended that Nathan reach out to the immediate neighbors to see if there is any strong objection.