June 14, 2023 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

June 14, 2023, 7:00 PM

Swantown Inn, 1431 11th Avenue SE

Present: Sherry Chilcutt (President/Treasurer), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Nathan Allen, Abigail Twombly, Cheryl Bayle, Jim Rioux

Guest: Valerie Roberts, Armory Building Manager


1)         Armory Update

Valerie Roberts discussed the City’s progress developing the Armory into a Creative Campus. In her first two months as the building manager she is overseeing upgrades necessary to open the facility for public use. Valerie gave a PowerPoint presentation with a general overview of the project.

Nathan attended a “Partner Workshop” on April 13. The ENA will be invited to upcoming community meetings.

2)         Approval of minutes

            The May 10 minutes were approved with revisions courtesy of Roger & Karen.

3)         Treasurer Report

Checking $571.57

Savings $964.03

Neighborhood Signs $1307.87

Trees $153.58

Neighborhood Beautification $410.40

Total $3,407.45

4)         Block Party Planning

Four block parties have been confirmed so far. Sherry will forward flyers to post on sandwich board signs, hand out door-to-door, and post it on Nextdoor. We will encourage the CNA to apply for a grant to support block party supplies, similar to Tumwater’s ‘Neighborhood Party Kits.’

5)         June Event Advertising

The Board agreed to try and host events at local businesses such as Beerwerks every other month. Abigail will let us know the next available date and time.

We also discussed hosting a morning coffee and tea at the Swantown Inn, and a “Donut Crawl” at local coffee and pastry businesses, possibly on Saturday morning July 29.

6)         August Picnic planning

The Lions Park shelter will likely be available. The sprayground should be open by that time.

7)         RNA Grant

The Board discussed what we will need to buy and various ways to raise funds. It was suggested we use ‘Neighborhood Beautification’ funds.

Jim Rioux has purchased a BBQ. Sherry reminded us to track volunteer hours which are credited at a $37/hour rate.

8)         CNA Report

Neighborhoods reported holding many neighborhood garage Sales.

One member brought up ‘sidewalk sucker.’ (similar to Dupont etc.)

It was reported Lacey & Tumwater repair all their sidewalks.

There was no Council member present, but Tim Smith reported on many new projects the City is working on.

9)         Utility Commission Report

The Commission is discussed a proposal to give a 50% discount on water hookup fees for 100% low income units.

10)       Talent show

Roger reported on his progress on the fall talent show at the Armory. Valerie commented Parks is considering buying a stage for the drill floor. Roger said he will ask for donations at the event.

11)       Problem houses in the neighborhood (Fir and 9th) Code Enforcement?

The Board discussed the status of OPD’s neighborhood patrol and the best way to deal with problem properties and other problems.

12)       Excessive speeds on Fir

Sherry reported people walking on Fir have complained about speeding cars, especially near the Fir and 10th intersection. It was suggested we will want to talk about problems in the neighborhoods at block parties. We will ask a someone representing OPD to attend.

13)       Other items

Board members discussed ways to get information about meetings and events out, particularly through the ENA website. It was agreed we will set up a one- to two-hour training session to brainstorm some basic website upgrades. Jim S. and Nathan will coordinate setting up a time and place.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.

May 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

May 10, 2023, 7:00 to 8:30 PM

1613 Union Ave SE

Present: Sherry Chilcutt (President/Treasurer), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Abigail Twombly, Cheryl Bayle


1) Approval of minutes

The April minutes were approved with revisions by Roger and Karen.

2) Treasurer Report

Checking $571.57

Savings $963.96

Neighborhood Signs $1307.79

Trees $153.56

Neighborhood Beautification $410.36

Total $3,407.24

3) Neighborhood Grant Application

We should know if our request is approved by June 1. The CNA is asking the City to increase the available funds.

4) Utility Committee

Sherry could not attend the recent in-person meeting because she was out of town.

5) Beerwerks

The event was a success despite the inclement weather. Some of those who attended were new to the neighborhood. Abigail suggested publishing pictures from future events.

6) Upcoming events

The Board continued its discussion of events planned for the rest of the year including:

  • June – Abigail will look for a date and time for another get-together at Beerwerks.
  • July – Block parties are tentatively scheduled for Saturday July 8, from 4 to 7 PM.
  • August – The Annual picnic is tentatively scheduled for Saturday August 12, from 4 to 6 PM.
    • Jim Rioux is scheduling the Lions Park shelter
    • We need to ask Nathan if he is willing to contact Big Tom’s about food donations
    • We hope to have RNA grant funds to buy a BBQ grill
    • We will try to find someone to play live music
  • September – Winterize your garden or other garden-related event.
  • October – The Talent Show will be held from 2:30 to 4:30 or 3 to 5 on Saturday, October 7.
    • The Armory might work as venue; there is a $116 fee.
    • Roger wants to rent a stage for performers.
    • Roger will contact Melissa Allen about performers from NE neighborhoods.
    • Roger is continuing to look for performers.

7) CNA Report

  • New residential parking regulations are going to Council, possibly on May 16.
  • The Downtown Improvement District is starting up again; focusing on safety & beautification.
  • The Comprehensive Plan update process is underway via a May 10 webinar.
  • The CNA continues to work on updating its MOU.
  • A new tiny house development is being planned on Franz Anderson Road SE, just north of I-5.
  • The Council recently held Executive Board elections. Karen is now the program and events coordinator for the CNA.
  • The Council has explored using schools for RNA meetings & events.

8) Sprayground dedication

Sherry will ask Parks for an update.

9) Other  

Jim S. talked to Dan Rydholm earlier today about electronic communications, including:

  • Formatting routine posts
  • Creating a binder to maintain up-to-date copies of social media accounts, passwords, membership, email lists, and so forth
  • Adding digital policies to the bylaws
  • Redesigning the ENA website

Dan has a wealth of knowledge and experience which he is willing to share. He can help Board members learn how to improve our electronic communications but, given a new full time job, he will not be able to do it for us.

The Board discussed other tasks we may want to include in future work plans, including:

  • Updating the bylaws
  • Updating the subarea plan

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

April 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

April 12, 2023, 7-8:30 PM

1613 Union Ave SE

Present: Sherry Chilcutt (President/Treasurer), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Abigail Twombly


1) Approval of minutes:

The March minutes were approved as amended.

2) Treasurer Report:

Checking $571.57

Savings $963.89

Neighborhood Signs $1307.71

Trees $153.54

Neighborhood Beautification $410.32

Total $3,407.03

3) Emergency Management Meeting March 27th

Board members agreed it was a very worthwhile event. Cherie Carey, Thurston County Emergency Management Coordinator, made an excellent presentation and was very engaging. About 20 people attended.

The Board discussed possibly following up with a “Map Your Neighborhood” meeting or “What to do in a year” training.  

4) April Event Advertising:

The event at Beerwerks, April 19 from 3 to 6 PM, is intended to catch people after work; no pressure, just show up. Abigail offered to bring chips and dip. There is good handicapped access to the tent where we will be.

Sherry will post the event on FaceBook. Jim S. or Nathan will post on the ENA website and Nextdoor. Abigail will make sure a sign is posted in front of Beerwerks.

5) May event:

The Board discussed holding a garden-related event in May, including coordinating with other groups such as Master Gardeners, Thurston County Food Bank, Kiwanis Food Bank Garden, GRuB, Olympia Community Garden (1401 13th Avenue SE).  We also discussed organizing a garden tour and gleaning for food bank later in the year.

It was decided to delay the May event to allow more time to plan and connect with other groups.

The Board continued the discussion of events planned for the rest of the year including:

  • June – Big Tom’s
  • July – Block parties (July 8, 4-7PM)
  • August – Annual picnic (Sat. Aug. 12, 4-6PM)
  • Sept. – “Winterize your garden” or another garden-related event
  • October – Talent show (Sat. Oct. 7)

Note that all dates & times are tentative. Please review and bring your ideas to the next meeting May 10th.

6) Utility Committee Report:

Sherry reported on her first Utility Advisory Committee meeting. The committee discussed the effect annexations have, such as the City needing to purchase more trash cans. Also, the EPA has mandated surveying water pipes to identify potential lead contamination in older houses and new standards for PFAS — substances often associated with firefighting foam. The Committee is concerned with equity issues.

7) CNA Report:

Karen briefed the Board on CNA issues including:

  • The Martin Way/Pacific Avenue Crossing Gateway public art project.
  • The East Bay RNA’s oyster seed planting program.
  • Clark Gilman talked about the new parking ordinance.
  • Larry & Melissa are working with the City on a new MOU.
  • Using school buildings for RNA meetings.
  • RNA Grant funds: more funds have been requested than are available.
  • A quarterly forum between the CNA and the Council.

Tim Smith described pending projects including: Unity Commons Phase II, an apartment project on Union & Jefferson, an apartment building near the Westside Lanes bowling alley, a tiny house project on Franz Anderson Road SE.

Karen volunteered to fill a new social activities resource position.

8) AT&T Towers:

A new 120-foot tall cell tower will be constructed in the parking area near the Elks Lodge on 4th Avenue. There were concerns about the public notice for such a visible project, the apparent lack of design review, and the Hearing Examiner’s approval.