February 24, 2023 Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

February 14, 2023, 7-8:30 PM

1613 Union Ave SE

Present: Sherry Chilcutt (President/Treasurer), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Jim Rioux, Cheryl Bayle, Abigail Twombly, Karen Clemens


1) Approval of the minutes

January 10, 2023 minutes were approved with Roger’s and Cheryl’s changes. Jim will ask Dan to replace the draft minutes posted on the ENA website with a final version.

2) Treasurer Report

Checking $603.89

Savings   $963.76

Neighborhood Signs $1307.55

Legion Way Trees $153.50

Community Beautification $410.25

Total $3438.95

3) Address List

The address list is complete with the addition of Cheryl’s areas 7 & 10.

4) ENA Event Calendar Sub-group

Cheryl and Abigail distributed copies of a draft 2023 event calendar and explained the concept is to spread more community events throughout the year to avoid conflicting with November and December holidays. The Board discussed several possible events including:

  • Emergency preparedness educational event in March. Jim R. will ask Nathan about holding this event at the Swantown Inn. Karen mentioned Sherry Niven is the Thurston County Emergency Management coordinator.
  • ENA day at Left Bank in April, to talk to neighbors, hand out newsletters, business cards and so forth. Sherry’s friend Mary suggested holding the event midweek from about 4:30 to 5:45 because the crowds have usually cleared out by this time. After discussion, a start time of 2 to 2:30 was suggested. Abigail and Jim R. volunteered to contact Left Bank. The Swantown Inn is a possible alternative location.
  • Family dinner night at Big Toms in June. Sherry is willing to take on this event.
  • Block Parties, possibly on July 8.
  • Annual picnic on August 5.
  • Music on the porch in August.
  • Garden-related educational event in September, such as how to winterize your garden.
  • Halloween family event in October, with cider pressing and pumpkin carving,possibly in conjunction with New Bridge. It was suggested we could ask the City for a grant to buy 50 pumpkins and accessories.
  • Annual meeting in November.
  • Favorite house and yard decorations contest in December with electronic voting.

It was suggested we consider moving the Talent Show to May. Cheryl will ask Roger.

All dates are tentative subject to further discussion. When dates are agreed upon Cheryl will update the calendar for posting on the ENA website.

We may also want to make up a poster.

5) RNA Grant ideas

Applications are due March 27.

Jim S. will look into purchasing a cider press and crusher.

6) Gas barbecue

We may want to request funding from the City.

7) CNA Report

Karen talked about the CNA publishing Neighborhood news in the “Jolt.” Other happenings as described by Tim Smith, included:

  • The Triangle subarea plan.
  • Neighborhood Centers: on hold due to retirement of the principal planner.
  • Comp Plan update due in 2025: “Community Visioning” is coming up.
  • 26 affordable housing units proposed on Pacific Ave.
  • Phase II of Merritt Manor low income housing project (formerly Bailey’s Motor Inn).
  • A Walker John multi-use building under construction on Legion.

8) Sign Readability – How can we make it better?

  • Karen talked about Wildwood signs.
  • Abigail may be able to help. She will do a work-up and send it out for review.
  • We could make up a template for the annual meeting and other recurring events, so all we need to change is the date.
  • The sandwich signs don’t necessarily need to include our website.
  • We’ll continue to look at ideas.

9) CNA Presentation on subarea planning

Jim S. discussed ENA Subarea planning at the February 13 CNA meeting, how we went about it, the Core Team, City staff support and review process. Roger couldn’t be present but provided his comments in writing.

Other items: 

Armory sign committee

Jim S. mentioned the first virtual meeting of the Armory sign committee was held on February 9. Two more meetings are planned. He will email designs for the Board to review as they become available.

Neighborhood Meeting Minutes – January, 2023

ENA Board Meeting
Jan 10, 2023
7:00 PM
1613 Union Ave SE

Attendees: Sherry Chilcutt (President/Treasurer), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Jim Rioux, Cheryl Bayle, Abigail Twombly, Karen Clemens

Approval of the minutes:

Cheryl & Sherry will make changes to the Dec. 14, 2022 minutes for the Board to review. Roger said the minutes included his idea for awarding holiday decoration prizes that didn’t happen. It was agreed this is something we should plan to do later this year.

Treasurer Report:

Checking $749.40
Savings $963.62
Neighborhood Signs $1307.39
Legion Way Trees $153.48
Community Beautification $410.21
Total $3584.25
Jim S. suggested donating extension cords to New Bridge Church to replace some of what they lost. A motion to approve spending up to $50 was made, seconded and approved unanimously.

Address List – mailing:

Jim R. has a map for checking Eastside addresses. The areas remaining (7, 8, 9, 10) will be checked soon. Cheryl would like to have a large map showing addresses.

Land Use & Environment Committee Report:

Jim S. briefed the Board on draft 2023 work plans for the Land Use & Environment Committee and Planning Commission. Both work plans include the Neighborhood Centers project. The Planning Commission’s work plan did not include sidewalks. This project has been assigned to the Public Works Transportation section but they have not yet developed a scope of work. Based on discussion during the Commission’s January 9 meeting, this will likely be corrected. The Planning Commission’s work plan does include staff time for subarea planning, if one of the RNAs chooses to use it.

RNA Grant ideas:

  • Purchase ENA window clings for cars.
  • Conduct another mailing.
  • Annual picnic; pay for live entertainment.
  • Purchase a barbeque grill.
  • Purchase an apple press.
  • Build kiosks.
  • Technical support for a centralized CNA website which would support every RNA (Lydia already said we could do this).

Should we change our status to 501c3?

We’re currently a political organization. If we want to change this it needs to happen by about March or April.

What should we be working on?

  • RNA annual report to the City.
  • Block parties.
  • Talent show at the Armory.
  • Annual picnic, including live music or other entertainment.
  • Better ways to connect with neighbors (we listed upcoming events in the 2022 newsletter which was very effective).
  • A 2023 events calendar.
  • Outreach to previous Board members.
  • Recruiting new Board members to help with events.
  • Website dues paying system (Some have complained about having to create an account to get on the email list).

Should we plan a celebration for the opening of the Spray ground?

Roger will contact Sylvana Niehuser.

CNA Report:

Karen briefed the Board on the January 9 CNA meeting:

  • Dontae Payne reported the Council will be looking at sidewalk funding in 2023.
  • The City is looking to improve its way-finding signage.
  • Lacey is purchasing a hotel to accommodate campers who are being removed from rights-of-way.
  • A final ‘Olympia Strong’ report is due in May.
  • There is a need for more housing for ‘ALICE’ (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) families, especially in Olympia.
  • The CNA is working to update its bylaws and MOU.

Also: Jim R. attended a January meeting about the Regional Fire Authority. Tumwater has a property tax cost calculator on its website. Abigail and Cheryl will determine a time and place to get together to talk about an events calendar and let the rest of us know.

Neighborhood Meeting Minutes – December 2022

ENA Board Meeting
Dec 24, 2022
7:00 PM
1613 Union Ave SE

Attendees: Roger Horn, Sherry Chilcutt, Jim Sweeney, Karen Lang Sweeney, Abigail Atwombly, Cheryl Bayle

Approval of the minutes:

No minutes available from Annual meeting.

Treasurer Report:

Checking $699.40
Savings $963.62
Neighborhood signs $1307.39
Legion Way Trees $153.46
Community Beautification $410.17
Grand total $3534.04

Annual General Meeting Report, Nov. 30 th

About 20 people came. There was significant snow that evening which lowered attendance. We have email addresses that need to be entered into our new system. We will hold this item till Nathan returns and we can quiz him. Jim Sweeney will send thank you email to Angel Nava and Stephanie Johnson.

Mailing address

List Still in progress. Cheryl would love to get her hands on the large map that Jim Rioux has to help her identify address associated with vacant parcels.

Oly Lightstravaganza report

Doing a great job with outdoor events. Several more events coming.

Winter Walkabout

Instead of our traditional walkabout, we might ask people to pick the top 3 holiday displays and let us know. We will award a prize to the top 3. We are going to skip the mapping exercise this year due to a lack of energy. Roger will write a blurb and post it on the website. We will give $30 gift cards to Big Toms or Left Bank. Roger will write a blurb on Saturday and Sherry will put it on Nextdoor. People will be invited to email Roger with their picks.

Email List Issues

Jim Rioux is not getting all the board emails, through google groups. We will commit to adding Jim’s personal email in our communications forever.

RNA grant blurb finished?

Roger and Sherry will work on that and get it sent in by end of year.

Land use & env committee-Neighborhood center

Dec.15th Jim Sweeney is available for online attending and keeping us in the loop to see where we are with the neighborhood center.

Mail chimp – vs website

Where do new emails get added? Hold for future meeting.

New Board members and looking to elections.

Abigail will join the board. Dave Groves was ill tonight and will attend a future meeting. Roger has agreed to continue as Vice President, Jim Sweeney was voted in as secretary and Sherry will continue her dual role as Treasurer/President.

Looking towards 2023

What projects are we considering?