It’s time to show up for Madison and McKenny schools in a big way!

Public hearings are scheduled to be held by the district in the gymnasiums of the schools proposed for closure:

Monday, February 26th, 6:00 pm at Madison Elementary School;
Thursday, February 29th, 6:00 pm at Margaret McKenny Elementary School

Whether or not you have a close tie to either school, your presence will be have a positive impact for the Eastside Neighborhood.

For Madison: Sign up online between 8:00 am Friday, Feb. 23rd – 4:00 pm Sunday, Feb. 25th OR in person/via Zoom the night of the hearing. If prompted, indicate you are part of the Madison community.  

For McKenny: Sign up online between 8:00 am Monday Feb. 26th – 4:00 pm Wednesday, Feb. 28th OR in person/via Zoom the night of the hearing. If prompted, indicate you are part of the McKenny community. 

We hope to see you there! At the meeting, we will have materials for you about the school closure proposal. Bring signs, wear Madison and McKenny gear, and show your support. The district has not yet coordinated child care so please, consider this a family-friendly event!

Please reach out with any questions you have and let me know if you’ll be in attendance.  mi*************@gm***.com

And lastly, please reach out within your circles to spread the word !

Thanks so much! Miriam Hathaway
Madison parent and OSD4ALL volunteer

August 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

747 Boulevard Rd SE  7pm – 9pm
Monthly Board Meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Assocations
Board members in attendance:  Brian Brannies, Rita Sammons, Sherry Cillicut, Sam Green, Sheena Pietzold, Jim Sweeney, Charlotte Claybrook, Nathan Allan
Others:  Roger Horn
Absent:  Melissa Bluestein, Susan Herring

Annual Picnic

Will be on Aug. 20,  4 – 7pm, Lion’s Park
Brian submitted the application and insurance.
Nathan secured a donation from Michael at Eastside Big Tom’s. he is arranging pickup
Brian secured Ralph’s Thriftway, and the Olympia Food Co-op.
Food preparation plans and logistics for BBQs were made.
Brian was taking care of reminders on Nextdoor.

ENA Meeting Signs

A number of the signs have been stolen. So more will be ordered after an assessment of ENA finances after the picnic.

ENA Liaision with Madison Elementary

As our neighborhood school, Nathan wanted to explore a stronger tie between the ENA and the school. The board agreed and Nathan is exploring more with Mr DSK the Principal (and ENA Resident).

Ideas for closer ties included;

  • Help with the garden
  • Help with events
  • Holding meetings at the school.

Treasurer’s Report by Sherry Cillicut

 Ordered dog waste bags and just sent an inquiry b/c they should be here by now.

Water jug for annual picnic was $25 at Home Depot. Picking it up today.

  • Checking $697.87
  • Savings $1061.45
  • Neighborhood Signs $1298.56
  • Legion Way Trees $151.65
  • Community Beautification $506.16

Roundabout Cleanup

The roundabouts (around 8) will be cleaned up and replanted this fall.
Waivers and sign-up will be put out at the Annual Picnic.

CNA Update from Brian Brannies

Subarea Planning: ONNA Subarea Plan has been released on website. there is an opportunity for the Eastside to be the next area. There was discussion on whether we were ready as a neighborhood and board. Discussion said maybe next year, after asking at the Annual meeting for interested parties. To make this the 2017 project of the year.
Downtown Strategy has been released. Calls for 5000 more residents downtown, amongst many other things. Read about it on the Olympia City Web site here.
Sam offered to directly put his CNA report on the ENA web site. Thus making some of his announcements and findings more time relevant.

Eastside Crime and Safety Committee (ECSC) by Roger Horn

The motion to have the ECSC become a committee of the ENA was tabled. The feeling was the group is making progress and we do not want to reign that in. The board feels that they are also dealing with Olympia wide issues, not just Eastside.

Roger has agreed to continue to report to the ENA board and the ENA board will help where asked or needed. Roger was going to coordinate posting about the block parties on Nextdoor and cross post with the ENA Annual Picnic.

The ENA is aiding in the block parties that will be held on August 26th.

Minutes submitted by Nathan Allan

2016 Madison Plant Sale – Saturday, May 7th

Annual and perennial plant and vegetable starts professionally grown and affordably priced.  All proceeds benefit the school’s garden program.  This is a great one-stop spot for Mother’s Day gifts.  Ready made baskets and build your own for a special Mother’s Day!


Madison Elementary Parking Lot,

1225 Legion Way SE, Olympia


Your purchase directly supports the school’s garden enrichment programs including: the Giving Garden outdoor learning lab, all-school farmers market stands and a mobile classroom cooking cart.


Simply print out the PDF and post locally to your neighbors and friends.

PDF: Madison Plant Sale Flyer 2016