Eastside Resident – Tom Nogler

Janine Gates, Eastside resident,  just wanted the Eastside Neighborhood Association to be aware of the death of Tom Nogler, an Eastside resident and great guy who helped deliver the ENA newsletter for many years. He lived on the Eastside for at least 20 years. He passed away January 4. His community service will be held at the Capitol Theater on February 1 at 10:00 a.m. It would be nice if someone from the ENA could speak to his dedicated involvement with the ENA.

His obituary is at https://funeralalternatives.org/tribute/details/167160/Thomas-Nogler/obituary.html#tribute-start

When he passed away, this is what I wrote on a local list serv, to share the news:

Tom was a tireless community organizer and supporter of many political and social campaigns. He advocated for good causes. He volunteered and doorbelled for many political candidates, including my campaign when I ran for city council. He worked on the Thurston Public Power campaign, instrumental in getting that effort as far as it did. He delivered newsletters on the Eastside for the Eastside Neighborhood Association for many years, being a friendly greeter and neighbor everyone came to know. He spoke in front of city council on police/community issues and relations. He was a good son who took care of both his parents until they passed away. He was a good friend with a soft voice you could always call on if you were in need. He will be greatly missed.

Eastside Neighborhood Holiday Caroling

When?  Friday, December 20th, 5:00 pm

Starting Point: Swantown Inn & Spa, corner of 11th Ave SE and Central

Potluck starts at 5:00pm, Caroling starts at 6:00pm

Song book available here.

Hello Eastside Neighbors!

Once again, the Eastside Neighborhood Association (ENA) will be sponsoring Holiday caroling. The caroling will take place on Friday, December 20th. We’ll have a potluck from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Swantown Inn & Spa (11th and Central) and leave from there at 6:00 to sing at Oly Lightstravaganza and other homes in the area. 

The singing will last for about an hour, but people should feel free to join us at any time or leave anytime. We will provide song lyrics on paper and downloadable on our ENA website so that you can put them on your cellphone. Bring a flashlight if you want to use the paper lyrics. Flashlights will also help make the walking safer. We’ll mainly be singing songs that are secular, such as Let It Snow and Jingle Bells—songs the little ones might already know!

For the potluck, bring snacks if you can. If you can’t, you are still welcome to join the potluck gathering. Some snacks will be provided by our hosts and the ENA.

Please join us at the potluck and the caroling! We wish you Happy Holidays!

The Eastside Candidate Forum Has Been Canceled

The 10/9 Eastside Candidate Forum Has Been Canceled.

The Eastside Candidate Forum scheduled for Wednesday, October 9th at the Elks Lodge has been canceled. One of the Council candidates who was planning to attend the forum notified us that he has to be out-of-town that night. The Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (CNA) decided to cancel the Eastside forum due to the absence of that candidate and for a couple other reasons.

An alternative to the canceled forum is the Westside Candidate Forum being held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 10/17 at Garfield Elementary School. The Westside forum is also being organized by the CNA and will be open to people from the east and west sides of Olympia. 

Garfield Elementary School is located at 325 Plymouth Street NW, just north of Harrison Avenue NW and Woodruff Park. All six Council candidates will be at the Westside Candidate Forum. Please attend it if you can.