2016 Madison Plant Sale – Saturday, May 7th

Annual and perennial plant and vegetable starts professionally grown and affordably priced.  All proceeds benefit the school’s garden program.  This is a great one-stop spot for Mother’s Day gifts.  Ready made baskets and build your own for a special Mother’s Day!


Madison Elementary Parking Lot,

1225 Legion Way SE, Olympia


Your purchase directly supports the school’s garden enrichment programs including: the Giving Garden outdoor learning lab, all-school farmers market stands and a mobile classroom cooking cart.


Simply print out the PDF and post locally to your neighbors and friends.

PDF: Madison Plant Sale Flyer 2016

March 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th A15ve SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, March 16th, 2016, 7:00PM – 8:15PM
Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association
Board Members in Attendance: Brian Brannies, Sheena Pietzold, Nathan Allan, Rita Sammons, , Susan Herring, Jim Sweeny, Sam Green, Charlotte Claybrook.

Others: Roger Horn, LouEllyn Jones

Absent (Excused): Sherry Cillicut, Melissa Bluestein


  • Master Calendar updates
    • Agreed to keep board meetings on third Wednesday at 7pm. Also to keep them to an hour if possible.
    • Annual Picnic set to 20th August (unless another major event is found to fall on that day)
    • Neighborhood Garage Sale to be held week after Lakefair, Susan Herring taking charge of organizing
  • Nuisance Houses
    • There is continued displeasure within the neighborhood about the Duplex on Central, and a home on Sawyer.
    • The Sawyer street property appears to be more of a code enforcement issue and efforts have been made with OPD and Code Enforcement to make the property a better neighbor.
    • The Central Street Duplex is more of an OPD issue. OPD and Code Enforcement are both well aware of the problems. Activity is being tracked by officers. It is highly recommended that neighbors call in all suspicious activity to 911.
    • It has been suggested by members of other neighborhood groups that some or all of the following actions be undertaken;
      • reaching out to landlords
      • calling in every single little disturbance or illegal activity to 911
      • the addition of signage that notes “Neighborhood Watch” is in effect in the area
      • legal action against landlords to seize or penalize the property if problems are not fixed.
    • A number of board members noted similar problems in past residences. Board embers also offered assistance in undertaking the before-mentioned actions.
  • CNA Update from Sam Green
  • Treasurers Report
    • A motion was made by Nathan and seconded by Susan, to remove Luke Bowerman from the ENA Bank Account and to add Brian Brannies. Vote was taken and passed unanimously.
    • ACTION ITEM: Sherry to provide Brian with necessary documentation to facilitate this.
    • Checking $339.26
    • Savings $1061.00
    • Neighborhood signs $1298.05
    • Legion way trees $151.53
    • Community beautification $505.86

Minutes submitted by Nathan Allan, Joint ENA Secretary

Bike Corridor Pilot Project

Just in from the City of Olympia,  Michelle Swanson 

The project is going to begin construction in late April. We will be notifying affected property owners along the route, but I wanted to make sure you and your neighborhood association knew about it, too.  The route will go from Lions Park to Sylvester Park downtown.  We’ve updated our website to give people some quick information about the project.

You might recall that the project will be to add special signs and pavement markings to some quiet, small streets in the neighborhood. We will also be making some changes to three intersections – which are shown on the map – so it will be easier for people biking and walking to get across the streets.

We’ll be having an Open House about the project here at City Hall on March 30th from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. I am also hoping to have a Saturday meeting at Lions Park in early April. I’ll send separate, official invitations to both events as they draw closer.

hank you!

Michelle Swanson, AICP | Senior Program Specialist

City of Olympia Public Works |Transportation


Bike Corridor Project