May general meeting notes


About 20 people in attendance

Nathan says hi, talks about his role as president, including Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, stuff the association has been doing.

Dave & Julie from Parks Dept to share info about Lions Park & Madison Scenic Park, upcoming projects, our opportunities for input. $154K allocated for improvements, they don’t have a lot of preconceptions of what to do other than stairs & retaining wall. They have scheduled development of a site plan in 2010, reconsidering moving up to do combo planning w/ENA to work with Lions Park planning. Combo effort could occur in the fall, Sept/Oct, final product in 2010. Questions abt Madison?

Woman living directly across the street, husband involved with getting park started. trail is heavily used, really important. A lot of kids (20-somethings?) go into the underbrush to drink, smoke, etc. Parking lot frequently used in the middle of the night. Police have said that they can’t do anything unless a sign is posted. Woke up at 4;15 a few weeks ago.

Woman mentioned idea in newsletter about community gardens. City of Oly has successful pilot project w/GRUB at Sunrise Park, in master planning process for whole system, issue of community gardens in city properties has come up several times, becoming integral part of parks plan. Can look at as option.

Same as #1, lots of state workers park at the park, no picnic tables for them.

Julie McQuery (sp?) on Lions Park. Showed maps of parks, all are available on the city’s website. [link later] Have gotten appropriations for Lions Park $325K, mostly for replacing kids equip, upgrading tennis courts, may also use for pickle ball, basketball, etc. Facilities not in great shape, some have already been taken out. In ’08 did first comprehensive condition assesment, condition of shelter/restroom a little scary. Trying to get funding for that. Opportunities for partnerships? Consultants have advised replacing vs repairing. Bathrooms not ADA accessible. Had hoped to do play facility planning this year, but may be cost savings in doing together with Madison and/or shelter replacement. Planning workshop after school starts this fall, will work with Nathan to get that going. [note to self: Oct general mtg?]

Man asking about the name. Lions Club was involved early on, not so much lately. Don’t know what their capabilities are. Nathan said that they have contacted ENA, interested in helping rebuild the shelter, they see it as a nice thing that its named after them.

Mrs. Tim: What is put on the grass at the parks? Julie doesn’t have a comprehensive answer, they have an integrated pest management plan, unlikely to be anything other than Roundup. When they do spray, is posted. She will get back to her. Someone in the audience says they don’t even use Roundup anymore, he talks to the crews when they’re in the park. Is mulched, don’t collect clippings, don’t fertilize. Northwest corner: drug deals? Parks reflect the community, not aware of any specific problems. Have brought on a parks ranger for the first time. For illegal activities, still need to call police. Others have seen similar. They’ve tried to do environmental (criminal) design, opening/pruning shrubs, maintaining sight lines, etc. in neighborhood parks. Everyone beeing there & watching is best “eyes on the park!” Nathan said he’s gotten feedback about tailgating problems, need for fence. “This is why we want to involve the neighborhood.” They want our involvement. Same person talked about issues with park in the old days, and involvement of this NA, cleaned up really scary areas.

They’ll be working with Nathan to set things for the future. Please call or email with any concerns, except criminal activity (call 911).

Cheryl from Library. Visits to library up 10% over last year, 300 new library cards, lots of donations, involvements with FOL, 2 people each left $250K as endowments, able to use the interest to pay for the remodel. City paid for carpet, bequest interest paid for everything else. Part of 5-county system 27 libraries, including kiosks at Rochester & Hawks Prairie, remote schools. Online presence. Friends updated website. 🙂 (yr humble webmaster is also webmaster for friends of the library.) 60+ databases, downloadable audio, reference access. Lots of great current info! 5k-7k magazine articles. Daily Life Through History database, great for high school & middle school students. Access newspapers 1757 – 1977. Lots of databases for kids of all ages. AP photo archives. Testing database. Brought a lot of handouts. Databases can run $2k-$20k, so they add & drop paying attention to use. ProQuest, General 1 File (?), index all kinds of magazines & journals, including translated into 13 different languages. Can call, email, use live chat for any reference question under the sun. Some are easy, some can take several days. One of the hardest she’s had to answer: question about diatery suppliments for dog w/disease. (I think this is the service story in the last FOL newsletter. Will link here.) Brought book lists, for kids, in Spanish, from adult book discussion group (international literary fiction, mostly), finding jobs, living frugally. Lots of programs coming this summer. Kids’ theme: let’s get creative, teaming up w/puppet museum! Also events for adults on the same theme! Living Library, started in Scandinavia a few years ago, asking people to become live books to check out for conversation, on Saturday May 30. Friday June 5, Seattle Noir anthology editor & authors. Sculptor on July 10. Etc., etc. About 75% sponsored by FOL. 8 yrs ago revenue was abt $12K/yr, now about $20+K/yr. Mostly goes to programs. Only costs $5 to join. (oy, mentioning me again.) FOL paid $16K for CD storage, PA system $4k, bike stands & bike lockers for staff, etc., etc. 361 members, always looking for more. Questions?

How’s the budget? Levy failed, looking at $2.5Mil cut, changes beginning June 1 reducing 9 open hours/week, no substitute budget for high volume times. at any time 40K items checked out! 300/400 items processed every hour! can’t sustain length of hours with cut in subs. Cuts in collection budget, no more Sundays. Trying hard not to cut FTE. A lot of decisions to be made next week in Montesano at board of trustees mtg, may be deciding whether to charge overdue fees or for printing.

Why so busy w/the internet & all? Library use across the nation is up. Economy downturn, library use always goes up. At Oly, we do a tremendous amount of outreach, presentations, classes, etc. They offer breadth and depth of service, essentially for free, great bang for buck. Follow-up question: what do ref libs you think about wikipedia? Teachers don’t like it; wouldn’t cite it, but would look. Recently taught Google/database research classes to (high schoolers?). Discussed what does authoritiative mean? Search strategies: put phrase in quotes, “primary source” in quotes, (site?).

Chad, Google Scholars, have you found that to be accurate? Haven’t used it.

Nathan, having been to book babies, going there, is there anything to do about people congregating in the front smoking? Please come tell us, or even call from the car. They have a security guard there most of the time, and tries to be on top of that. They are highly trained in dealing with all sorts of experiences. (Shout out from the audience: “and very respectfully!”) 1500 people walking thru doors every day. Address behavior, not socioeconomic status.

Been a true honor to work at that building. 80-100 people applying for every position, before downturn!

Open Mic

Nathan: doesn’t have time to go to Coaltion meetings, if someone wants to join to go to those meetings, couple of hours once a month.

Chad: anyone interested in being involved with the picnic should contact NA. also, last night was able to attend presentation about Energizing Eastbay project.

Tim Burn(e?): last summer met with Luke and volunteered as Graffiti Buster in the neighborhood. if you have graffiti just email [email protected]. Sam asked: what can you remove it from? Back of street signs, paint over phone poles, can’t do fronts of street signs (city will do, email him), if you notice unfixed on private property call city, he can do plastic trash bins, city can help with big metal ones. Likes walking around, a number of areas where people have trees overgrowing. Would like to write newsletter article to remind people to cut limbs! Nathan suggested maybe going down to help mow other folks’ median strips; we can also try to organize work groups for sick/elderly folks. Elaine will give approximate deadline. Another question: do police want you to document before removing? Yes, if gang graffiti, usually has initials, letters, numbers. But most doesn’t seem to be, just groups of kids, tag-fighting. Another question: sometimes is competitive symbol, so that can be used as evidence. Somone else: walks late at night, often along Central, some spots like walking thru a tunnel, and then no sidewalk! Nathan: spoke to Mark Fouch once about the question of why not so many sidewalks? It was a working-class neighborhood, not a priority, back in the day. Broken sidewalks are supposed to be the responsibility of the homeowner.

Nathan: if you want to write a newsletter article get on the website. (note: email [email protected])

Joan Machlis, councilwoman & candidate: appointed in Jan ’08 when Mah became mayor, running this year. Owns Wind Up Here. Background in econ development, etc. Loves local gov’t, esp after working with the state, thrill is the day-to-day impact. Feels city to be responsive. Most of what they deal with never hits the radar, infrastructure, etc. Knows about keeping locally oriented entrepreneural downtown. regional clean air energy, missed the 2nd outside thing. Has brochures, also

Karen Rogers, another candidate (open position): state worker policy specialist for liquor board, environmental background, worked for dept of ecology. On city utility advisory cmte (appointed by Joan). Issues: jobs, wants to bring in another industry besides just the state, green tech; development and how we’re developing, in the way we want to look 50 years from now; being responsive. Has materials, looking for good ideas. Has seen great things happening at the library, Garrett is a friend of hers, sees guiding people along.

Me on garden walk.

Nathan: call for dues. Mostly pays for the newsletter.

Jenni: as of this evening, 22 households paid up for 2009, $235 additional donations. $675 in checking, $1522.42 in savings. Rebate cards from Storman’s, 1% back from purchases (including catering). Discussion of August picnic date, probably 15th or 22nd

Sandia: one of the gardens on the tour, bring empty small containers, she has lots of plants to share!

Walt: once upon a time was President! Was trying to set up a teenage job bank, but of course they graduate, still needs someone with a strong back to mow lawns, pull dandelions, would be up for hiring teen. Has a tiller that could be available for community garden.

Nathan: phone thing.

Tim: friend, Chris Hyde (sp?) is setting up free barter/exchange site. barterolympia (.org? .com?)

Ernest (Stoops?): used to live in Lacey, don’t hold it against him. represents church on (Baptist Emmanual?) State & Phoenix, wants to be able to offer assistance, help in any way he can.

Nathan: thanks, looking forward to seeing everybody at the picnic. Say hello to your neighbors!

April Board Meeting Minutes

Present: Nathan, Elaine, Bev, Casey A (& Lauren!), Ann, Eddy, Jenni


  • Approve last meeting minutes
  • General Meeting Update
  • Distribute Yard signs for General Meeting.
  • Newsletter Progress
  • Garden Walk update new date May 24
  • New business



Madison Park update from Nathan. Got a call from Dave Oakaland (sp?), asst to David Hanna at Parks, to arrange a meeting. (May 5?) Put story in the newsletter, something might actually happen. Very excited about the possibility. City has been interested in our help with the trail up the hill, might be a good exchange. Bev would be interested in seeing a musical program at the park. In conjunction with the fireworks display? (2010?)

Phone number. Nathan has researched cell phone, Vonage, and Skype. Skype would be $66/year to get a phone number, voicemail, etc. Determined that we can’t vote (no quorum), will email to the group for an email vote. If decision made before newsletter deadline, will include in newsletter.

Signs. We have 10 signs. Discussion of white stripes on the side, which was a mistake, but looks good anyway. Cost about $120/$130, discounted at VistaPrint. Discussion of plastic sleeves. Nathan is willing to make it a donation in barter for newsletter ads, complicated discussion. We’ll talk about this again, when final amounts are in, more people here.

Bank account. Complicated story with transfer of signatories. May need a debit card to pay for Skype, will discuss at next meeting.

Treasurer’s report. Jenni brought copies of 2008 report, current check register. 14 households have paid dues this year. Discussion of getting a discount from do’ops for newsletter. $500 in checking, $1500 in savings, $1200 in signs fund. Are all in-kind gifts accounted for? Discussion of whether it would be cost-effective to get our own printer/folding machine. Will ask Chad to research cost-comparison. (I need to check on advertising invoices, etc.!)

Meeting agenda: open mic, David Hanna if appropriate/available. Library? Treasurer’s report. Location? Discussion of fire station, school, churches. Will take up on email. Also need to vote on meeting place donations. Discussion of getting cards or postcards. [missed a chunk of conversation while plugging in laptop] Elaine will ask Cheryl from the library what she might like to talk about.

Newsletter. Discussion of topics and assignments.

Several discussions of membership issues: probably approx 50 paid memberships last year. That’s something we could focus on for improvement. How could we get people to want to join?

Garden Walk, May 24. Elaine would like some help re-contacting gardeners, possibly reaching out to new gardeners. Discussion of distance between gardens. Eddy may be able to offer a train for transportation, as a donation. (picture at party outfitters .com) Jenni might be able to help with contacting.

Jenni: Putting people on the email list? Elaine will add a checkbox to the membership form.

Bev is most interested in the membership issue and getting more members, more visibility. What is the advantage to being a paid member? Thank you cards or similar? A real campaign. Discussion of block parties: we could offer guide, maybe even use of a BBQ. Require coming to a meeting, probably security deposit.

[??] asked Eddy about parking issues at New Bridge, they’ve altered their service times to better balance the number of people in their lot, to avoid parking on the street. Also discussion of parking issues at St Mike’s.

House at 10th & Central is for sale for $175k. Is currently zoned multi-plex, but a neighbor is concerned that it might not be appropriate. Expense to get the building abated would be enormous.

March board meeting minutes

Present: Nathan, Ann, Jenni, Elaine, Chad, Jessica, Tim, Heather, Josh, Kate, and guest Casey Caronna

  • Approve last meeting minutes (can be read here:
    Minutes from February & January approved. Moved Chad, Jenni second.
  • Newsletter (deadline is April)
    Meeting on 5/21, To Jessica on 5/1, Articles to Elaine & Chad 4/24.
    Income/costs. Ask Do’ops for discount in return for ad? Discussion of whether to pay for folding. Work party? Will have work party to fold & count. Tim, Jenni, Elaine, Chad all willing to volunteer.
    Topics agreed, will post shortly. amended 3/28: see below.
    Organize advertising information! Talk to Nova School about advertising: we changed our minds about taking ads from outside the neighborhood. “Reserve the right to refuse service.” Encourage local businesses to come to the picnic.
  • Discussion around how much we should be involved with community re: public safety. Put information out? Reminders. Get to know your neighbors.
  • Signs for meetings (Nathan can present example)
    Nathan showed a sign sample from VistaPrint, $14.99, double-sided. Get with logo, and sleeve for meeting date/location. Enough for all the board members, and post in the yards. Nathan will do design, get pricing & sample. Want color background, possibly a color from the website.
  • Sex Offender Notices
    Do we want to send them through the Google Group emails? Discussion. Add resources page. Everyone will send Elaine suggestions to post on the website. (Also, Nathan will add Kate & Josh to the board email group.)
  • Phone
    Discussion about whether to get the ENA its own phone. VOIP device vs prepaid cell vs Vonage vs Skype. Nathan will look into online options. Elaine will find notes about prepaid phones.
  • Mail
    Jenni has some materials from Dept of Ecology re: eastbay project. Survey from Homes First! seeking feedback on affordable housing needs in the neighborhood. Will return to this topic. Good general meeting speaker?
  • Neighborhood Coalition
    Nathan went to the Coalition of Neighborhood Associations meeting and talked about his experience at the meeting. Different levels of membership; Luke was on the Steering Committee. Asked for someone else to attend. Invite CNA people to our picnic. Josh might be able to go to the next meeting along with Nathan.
  • Community Garden?
    Might be in the comprehensive plan? Also quick discussion of garden walk dates, possibly mid to late May, to be announced in the newsletter. Discussion of timing, connections with the city. Also vacant lots? Nathan will call David Hanna.
  • Treasurer’s Reports: we have some memberships coming in, plus 2 Stormans’ checks ($35-$50?). We still have some cards, Jenni is taking them. amended 3/28: there are available Storman’s Thriftway 1% community rebate cards held by Jenni.
  • New Business
    Casey: will have a project at the end of his Master’s (education) program 2 years from now.
    More discussion about community garden, projects for the future.
    Discussion of the Homes First! survey. Feeling that we don’t know enough to complete it, but we might want to have them submit an article and/or speak at May general meeting. Jenni will contact. (note: we need to set up [email protected].)
    More about Stormans cards, Jenni will contact to have more at the general meeting.

Proposed topics for May newsletter:

  • meeting agenda/pres message
  • outreach for new pres
  • treasurer’s report
  • meet your neighbor
  • garden walk: mid/late-May?
  • new board members
  • picnic planning
  • google group promo
  • ads
  • membership form
  • slow walking signs (also add to website)
  • parks update
  • homes first

Minutes, January 2009 (draft)

attending: Luke, Elaine, Ann, Tim, Chad

reviewed November minutes, approved.

Update: newsletter will go to press tomorrow, has 4 ads & pretty much pays for itself. Compass Rose is doing a full year of quarter sheet.

Board Elections

Casey is not going to be on the board, Nathan will be resigning as VP but staying on the board.

Feb. general mtg is at St Mike’s.

Explanation of the process: general members elected at the general meeting, board members elected at the Feb board meeting. Discussion of what the roles are supposed to be. Email to Mark Derricott (came to last meeting) and Tim Byrne (doing grafitti stuff), asking if they’re interested.

Chad mentioned city-organized wood chipping events. Will be on fewer days because of budget cuts.

Tim wants to help with newsletter distribution; Jessie manages distribution. Is there a need? Not sure.

Will be printing 1150 this time to make sure there’s enough.

Chad is going to take on newsletter production. Tim requested sudoku. 🙂 Some mention of interesting ideas floating around for other newsletters, possibly city-wide.

November Board Meeting Minutes

Edit: All instances of “Jeni” corrected to “Jenni”.

November 20th Board Meeting

Present: Luke Bowerman, Whitney Bowerman, Jeni Jenni Fleming, Ann Mataczynski, Chad Akins, Elaine Nelson, Mark Dericott (guess), Nathan Allan

Notes taken by Elaine Nelson

1. October minutes reviewed

Spelling of Jeni’s name corrected. Minutes accepted with corrections.

2. Board elections (Feb 2009)

we need 3 new board members to get to 10-member quorum, plus we need almost all new officers. Jeni Jenni will be continuing as Treasurer. Elaine volunteered to take on secretary. Ann would be willing to stay on for the numbers. Sam and Tim are still definitely on board, and we’re assuming that Jessie is still on.

We all need to do some inviting — in person, on the site, in the newsletter. Luke will reuse last year’s article for recruitment.

Chad suggested only 5 people required on the board? General discussion is that the neighborhood is too big, and with only 5 people it’s hard to assume everyone will be there. Nathan said that maybe we can get people for perspective, are there past people we can ask to do? It’s just hard to get to the meetings sometimes, just commit to a couple of board meetings and be active by email.

3. New bank account

We have a new account at same institution (WSECU), since many prior signatories are no longer available.

We discussed who to put on the account. According to Jeni Jenni, we just need to put into the meeting minutes who is a signatory. Agreed that the signatories will be President (Luke) and Treasurer (Jeni Jenni).

Chad talked about using the info to do donations.

We talked about BBQ for future picnics, Chad asked about buying one, could be tricky. Luke suggested renting one next year.

4. newsletter

Don is no longer a reliable printing source, we had it printed at d’oops for $170. We have 2 reams of the large size paper remaining, which is enough for the February newsletter.

After February, we agreed to go to a smaller size (probably legal) with additional information on the web. We may be able to use the city copier with that size, which we can’t do now. Also, the paper costs half as much for legal vs 11×17.


  • general meeting agenda: open mic, elections, and *something*
  • elections
  • Jessie’s meet your neighbor
  • garden tour follow-up, Chad will write together with Tim
  • pesticide-free project (if follow-up is available)
  • walk and roll program?
  • “we’ll promote your club” article, Elaine will write


  • Swantown Inn
  • Olympia Coffee?
  • Chad will approach Einmalens, Bike Stand, Bike Tech, Gravity Bar
  • Reneta (sp?) Wilson, insurance agent
  • Luke has info for Brooks Plumbing, Compass Rose

We can fit maximum four ads (if too many, Nathan will give up their ad). We discussed web advertising for future.

Luke mentioned the new OPD Google Map of crime incidents. Some discussion of auto theft issues, some tree-related vandalism, empty houses, issues at Lions Park followed.

Chad asked about doing newsletter routes on Google Map. Elaine & Luke said it’d be arduous.

Denise Halloran has been working with the city — Boundary St to get speed reduction measures in 2012, traffic study done “neighborhood traffic management” between 10th & Legion. What she did: wrote formal letters, they did a traffic study, person who applies has to find someone to staff the speed trailer.