ENA Board Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2021
Virtual Meeting
Attendees: Sherry Chilcutt, Cheryl Bayle, Nathan Allan, Chris Knight, Roger, Jim Rioux, Jim Sweeney.
Treasurer’s Report
Checking $516.86
Savings $1062.04
Signs $1305.24
Trees $153.02
Neighborhood beautification $ 409.29
Approval of January Minutes
Approved with Edits
CNA Report
Jim Rioux provided a brief update of discussion at the February 8meeting of the CAN. The major discussion items were as follows:
- Yến Huỳnh, the new Council liaison took over for Clark Gilman
- Lydia provide an update of this year’s matching grant program. Information is now on the city’s website
- Mike Reid, the City’s Economic Development Director provide a presentation on the ecumenic status o the City and COPVID-19 impacts. Overall the City is weathering the pandemic relatively well.
Mike’ presentation led to ad side discussion about barriers to first time home buyers and the importance of home ownership to building personal wealth.
Subarea Plan
Jim Sweeny provided an update of efforts related to the Armory. He mentioned that the Amory is now up for acquisition and that there is an upcoming meeting with the City to speak to our legislative delegation
The Core Team met with ONNA. It was suggested that we make this connection a regular the event. At the last meeting we received input about how to proceed with efforts to get a sidewalk connection on 7th Avenue
Ideas and leaders for 2021 projects
Sherry asked everyone to list a item or two that they want to work on this year.
Jim Sweeney – Development of a Neighborhood Hub
Cheryle Bayle – Individual Asset Assessment project to identify talent in the neighborhood and improve connections.
Nathan Allan – Winter Walkabout
Block party at the Inn
7th Avenue Sidewalk
Coffee Window at the Inn
Jim Rioux – Individual Asset Assessment project
Sign boards
7TH Avenue Sidewalk
Roger Horn Variety show
Winter walk about
7th Avenue Sidewalk
Block Party
Removal of infected trees
Chris Knight -I feel like I’m at my limit. Can offer serving in a co-leadership position
Managing the shelter at FUMC
Sherry – Mural at 620 Central.
FUMC Shelter
Chris provided a brief update. Things are going well. They are not getting any complaints. It’s a beautiful thing to be there for people that have, in a way. fallen through the cracks. Most residents are elderly.
Jim S asked if s there anything we can do. Chris will check in with interfaith works.