June Board Minutes

Called to order 7:10

Present: Ruth Middlebrook, Bev Kooi, Chad Akins, Elaine Nelson, Jenni Fleming

Don Lemaster could not attend, but let Chad know that he’s voting yes on pathway project and has someone for BBQ duty at the picnic.

May minutes, Elaine: approved.

Treasurers Report, Jenni: $525.74 in checking, $1288.90 in the signs fund, $812.98 in savings, $1005.28 in a certificate of deposit.

Pathways Project, Elaine: discussed the potential project at Fairview and 10th, cleaning up a pathway as part of a city pilot project. Elaine will submit the application and be the volunteer lead on this project. Approved.

Newsletter, Bev: discussion, including picnic planning. Bev has final outline of articles.

T-shirts: came up during discussion of newsletter. Elaine will resend cafe press shop link. Also discussed a graphic done by Nikki McClure during the logo contest, we’d like to ask about using that as well for t-shirts, etc.

Picnic, Chad: discussion. Chad will write letter to coop to see if we can coordinate our picnics. We decided on tentative menu: pending other donations, same as in previous years.

Advertising for picnic and newsletter, Jenni: get correct info onto the website for rates. Elaine will find her draft letter. Set target of approaching 20-25 businesses for ads, Chad will mail, Jenni will handle follow-up.

501(c)3, Chad: with annual revenue of under $5000, not a whole lot of benefit. Also, we need a mission statement.

FYI, Ruth: Olympian will be featuring various n’hoods.

Park meeting, Elaine: Quick update on what happened at the public meeting, followed by discussion.

Future agenda: mission statement. (not July, but some other meeting)

Next agenda: picnic.

Adjourned 8:20 pm

Next meeting – July 13, Ruth will not be here.

2010 Picnic

Held at Lions Park — join us there for food and fun. More details soon!

July Potluck in the Garden

This summer, our potlucks will be held at the Madison-Avanti Garden! Bring something to eat, a blanket to sit on (there are some benches & tables), and your own plates, etc.

Upcoming Changes

We’re making some changes this year that we want you to know about.

The monthly potlucks that started this spring will be replacing our prior schedule of general meetings. The potlucks are held on the third Thursday of every month at 6pm at the Light & Life Church, except in August (and possibly December). All are invited, please bring enough to share. Board elections will be held at the February meeting.

The newsletter schedule is also changing. We’re still working on a complete annual schedule, but for sure there will be a newsletter coming out in early August.

The 2010 picnic will be held on Saturday, August 21 at Lions Park. We are looking for volunteers to organize and to assist on the day of the event.

The ENA Board meetings are moving to the second Tuesday of the month. They will probably be held at the fire station on Eastside.

We are changing how our email lists are organized. This list (“ena-announce”) will be used solely for announcements of ENA events and activities, and for official city announcements that are specific to the neighborhood. These items will also be posted to the ENA website. The ena-discuss list will be open for posting by all members – we invite you to join and post your own events and other notices that may be of interest to your neighbors.

Update your list memberships:

  • Announcements list: http://groups.google.com/group/ena-announce
  • Discussion list: http://groups.google.com/group/ena-discussion

Thanks for your involvement with the ENA!