The Christmas Caroling scheduled for Friday the 15th December, will now be meeting at Tara Wickhams home on the corner of 10th and Boundary.
Eastside Neighborhood Association
Representing the Eastside Neighborhood of Olympia, Washington
The Christmas Caroling scheduled for Friday the 15th December, will now be meeting at Tara Wickhams home on the corner of 10th and Boundary.
A number of the signs have been stolen. So more will be ordered after an assessment of ENA finances after the picnic.
As our neighborhood school, Nathan wanted to explore a stronger tie between the ENA and the school. The board agreed and Nathan is exploring more with Mr DSK the Principal (and ENA Resident).
Ideas for closer ties included;
Water jug for annual picnic was $25 at Home Depot. Picking it up today.
The motion to have the ECSC become a committee of the ENA was tabled. The feeling was the group is making progress and we do not want to reign that in. The board feels that they are also dealing with Olympia wide issues, not just Eastside.
Roger has agreed to continue to report to the ENA board and the ENA board will help where asked or needed. Roger was going to coordinate posting about the block parties on Nextdoor and cross post with the ENA Annual Picnic.
The ENA is aiding in the block parties that will be held on August 26th.
Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th A15ve SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, May 18th, 2016, 7:00PM – 9:15PM
Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association
Board Members in Attendance: Brian Brannies, Nathan Allan, Rita Sammons, , Susan Herring, Jim Sweeny, Sam Green, Sherry Cillicut.
Absent : Sheena Pietzold, Charlotte Claybrook, Melissa Bluestein
Minutes submitted by Nathan Allan, Joint ENA Secretary