Thurston Transportation Oriented Development

This post is in reference to the property north of Boulevard, formerly known as the “Medela” site.

It was recently incorporated in to the City of Olympia, as it was an “island” of county. It was then rezoned by the city.

The Thurston Transportation Oriented Development (TTOD) came and spoke at our Annual General Meeting and promised to share more details on the proposed project.


Thank you for the opportunity to spend time with ENA last week, and the hospitality.

TTOD’s website has been updated with a Gardens at Indian Creek Project Page, and links to the UW Early Feasibility Analysis body of work.

We’ll keep you posted on progress.



Ron Niemi | Thurston Transportation Oriented Development |

An Affordable Housing Nonprofit Organization


ENA Annual General Meeting Tomorrow

ENA postcard

Tomorrow evening is the neighborhood association general meeting.

The Agenda can be viewed here.

You may have received the postcard pictured above.

If you did not, it could mean a number of things;

  1. You gave us your email and we emailed you the meeting notice instead
  2. We do not have the correct address details for you. In that case please email us and let us know who and where to post to.
  3. You are a fan of the ENA yet do not live in our boundaries.

If you received and postcard and it was not addressed to the current occupier of your home;

  1. Contact us, and tell us your name, address and email (we prefer sending email as it is free!)

If you would like to save the ENA money;

  1. Contact us, and provide your name, address and email. Tell us you would rather get an email!

Notes about the Postcard Mailing:

  1. Eastside Big Toms was our postcard sponsor. They sponsored the entire thing!
  2. Our volunteer Board Members walked most of the neighborhood and verified addresses as best as possible.
  3. The Postcard was designed to get you to this web site. Hopefully you will opt-in for email and make future mailings cheaper.

December 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th Ave SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, December 16th, 2015, 7:00PM – 8:00PM
Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association
Board Members in Attendance: Nathan Allan, Brian Brannies, Sheena Pietzold, Rita Sammons, Sherry Cillicut, Susan Herring


  • Dog waste bag stations update
    • Supplying bags will cost the ENA around $500 a year. This is not sustainable unless we have more dues-paying members. We have had a lull in members paying dues, so Nathan made laminated signs to attach to the dog waste bag stations to solicit members to pay dues.
  • Newsletter
    • We’ve had numerous comments regarding how long it has been since the ENA has put together a newsletter. One option is to do a postcard advertising our upcoming general meeting and perhaps things we have accomplished over the past year.
    • Brian will send the address spreadsheet we have to the group so we can check the addresses by foot. Each board member will claim an area of the neighborhood to walk and double check to see if actual houses match the street addresses in the spreadsheet. Hopefully this effort will increase the accuracy of the addresses and reduce mailing cost waste.
  • Matching grant update
    • Brian has a meeting set up with the City on Friday, December 18th to sign paperwork for the matching grant to improve traffic calming devices (round-abouts and bump-outs) throughout the neighborhood. The City will be paying for general liability insurance to protect the neighborhood association in the event of a lawsuit. All volunteers will need to sign an agreement with the City to protect the ENA. The City is allowing us to carry the funds over until the end of 2016.
  • General meeting
    • We’d like to try to have the general meeting January 27th. Topics could include Olympia School District Superintendent speaking about the proposed school levy (special election vote scheduled for February 9th), Thurston Transportation Oriented Development (TTOD) presentation, soliciting for volunteers to improve traffic calming devices for the matching grant, soliciting for new board members, and electing new board of directors.
  • Treasurers Report
    • $169.26 in Checking
    • $1360.83 in Savings
    • $1297.87 in Neighborhood Signs fund
    • $151.49 in Legion Way Trees fund
    • $505.76 in Community Beautification fund


Minutes submitted by Sheena Pietzold, Joint ENA Secretary