Annual Picnic – August 6th, 4 to 7pm

The ENA Annual Picnic is scheduled to be held this Saturday at Lion’s Park, in the shelter.

Running from 4pm to 7pm, Eastside Big Tom’s has graciously donated the burgers, there will also be hotdogs. You are welcome to bring a side or dessert to share.

August 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

747 Boulevard Rd SE  7pm – 9pm
Monthly Board Meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Assocations
Board members in attendance:  Brian Brannies, Rita Sammons, Sherry Cillicut, Sam Green, Sheena Pietzold, Jim Sweeney, Charlotte Claybrook, Nathan Allan
Others:  Roger Horn
Absent:  Melissa Bluestein, Susan Herring

Annual Picnic

Will be on Aug. 20,  4 – 7pm, Lion’s Park
Brian submitted the application and insurance.
Nathan secured a donation from Michael at Eastside Big Tom’s. he is arranging pickup
Brian secured Ralph’s Thriftway, and the Olympia Food Co-op.
Food preparation plans and logistics for BBQs were made.
Brian was taking care of reminders on Nextdoor.

ENA Meeting Signs

A number of the signs have been stolen. So more will be ordered after an assessment of ENA finances after the picnic.

ENA Liaision with Madison Elementary

As our neighborhood school, Nathan wanted to explore a stronger tie between the ENA and the school. The board agreed and Nathan is exploring more with Mr DSK the Principal (and ENA Resident).

Ideas for closer ties included;

  • Help with the garden
  • Help with events
  • Holding meetings at the school.

Treasurer’s Report by Sherry Cillicut

 Ordered dog waste bags and just sent an inquiry b/c they should be here by now.

Water jug for annual picnic was $25 at Home Depot. Picking it up today.

  • Checking $697.87
  • Savings $1061.45
  • Neighborhood Signs $1298.56
  • Legion Way Trees $151.65
  • Community Beautification $506.16

Roundabout Cleanup

The roundabouts (around 8) will be cleaned up and replanted this fall.
Waivers and sign-up will be put out at the Annual Picnic.

CNA Update from Brian Brannies

Subarea Planning: ONNA Subarea Plan has been released on website. there is an opportunity for the Eastside to be the next area. There was discussion on whether we were ready as a neighborhood and board. Discussion said maybe next year, after asking at the Annual meeting for interested parties. To make this the 2017 project of the year.
Downtown Strategy has been released. Calls for 5000 more residents downtown, amongst many other things. Read about it on the Olympia City Web site here.
Sam offered to directly put his CNA report on the ENA web site. Thus making some of his announcements and findings more time relevant.

Eastside Crime and Safety Committee (ECSC) by Roger Horn

The motion to have the ECSC become a committee of the ENA was tabled. The feeling was the group is making progress and we do not want to reign that in. The board feels that they are also dealing with Olympia wide issues, not just Eastside.

Roger has agreed to continue to report to the ENA board and the ENA board will help where asked or needed. Roger was going to coordinate posting about the block parties on Nextdoor and cross post with the ENA Annual Picnic.

The ENA is aiding in the block parties that will be held on August 26th.

Minutes submitted by Nathan Allan

August 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th Ave SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, August 19th, 2015, 6:30PM – 7:30PM
Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association
Board Members in Attendance: Nathan Allan, Brian Brannies, Sheena Pietzold, Rita Sammons, Sherry Cillicut


  • June/July Minutes approved.
  • Annual Garage Sale
    • We heard from several people saying it didn’t go very well this year. Coordination was not great, so we should work on improving it next year.
    • We have a possible volunteer to help coordinate next year.
  • Annual Picnic Planning
    • Insurance ended up costing $101.
    • Reservation of Pavilion was $25.
    • OPD and OFD sending officers and Fire truck during the event.
    • Recycling and Organics to be provided (Nathan will pick-up).
    • Food and Drink: Burgers being provided completely byEastside Big Tom.
    • The Eastside Co-op donated $100 and Ralph’s donated $50 gift cards. Brian and Rita will shop and bring side dishes, deserts, etc. from these stores.
    • ENA will purchase hot dogs, buns, and beverages. Nathan will pick-up.
    • Entertainment: Live music confirmed. Donated by Brian Brannies and Sheena Pietzold
  • Treasurers Report
    • $367.15 in Checking
    • $1360.47 in Savings
    • $1297.53 in Neighborhood Signs fund
  • New business
    • Update on matching grant: working on finalizing agreements to be able to move forward. The City will be paying for general liability insurance to protect the neighborhood association in the event of a lawsuit. All volunteers will need to sign an agreement with the City to protect the ENA. The City will provide appropriate safety equipment necessary (with the main foreseeable hazard being traffic). The City is also working on provisions to allow us to carry the funds over to 2016 since this process has taken so long.
    • Medela rezone update: the city hearings examiner recommended to the city council to upzone the area. Next steps: city council will vote on whether to upzone. Doug Deforest (representing TTOD) would like to come to the September board meeting to talk about TTOD and their ideas for the future of the area.
    • Nathan met with Lt. Holmes from OPD about a house in the neighborhood that the neighbors have been complaining about. There are proposed changes to city ordinances to make it easier for OPD and code enforcement to take care of these kinds of issues. Until then, we should try talking with our neighbors and telling them our concerns.
  • Minutes submitted by Sheena Pietzold, Joint ENA Secretary