May 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th Ave SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, May 20th, 2015, 6:30PM – 7:30PM
Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association
Board Members in Attendance: Nathan Allan, Melissa Bluestein, Rita Sammons, Sheena Pietzold
Board Members Absent: Brian Brannies, Susan Herring, Ira Silberlicht, Sherry Cillicut, Ted Baird (had volunteered at Annual meeting but did not show up), Mitch Dennis (we are confirming if he is continuing on as a board member)
Neighbors in Attendance: Joe Hanna, Teresa Goen-Burgman, and Kathleen Burgman – Concerned Eastside Neighbors (Medela Rezone)


  • Approval of April Minutes
    • Tabled until next month
  • Dog waste stations update
    • All installed with one spare. Thanks to Patricia Campbell for the assistance! Last two were 7th and Edison and 7th and the laneway. Hosted by Ira and Kirsten.
    • Would be great to have a location above Lions Park.
    • We are nearly out of bags. Approximately 4,000 bags lasted nearly a year. Sheena made a motion to approve $136.30 to purchase 4000 more bags. Rita seconded the motion. Board will vote via email to involve more board members.
  • Neighborhood Match Grant Update
    • The City made a list of its top picks for the grants. Our proposal for the Annual Picnic did not make the list of top projects. Our proposal for improvements to traffic calming devices did, for a total of $500.
    • City Council will make final decisions made in May.
  • Annual Garage Sale
    • More signage? We tabled this from the April Meeting to see how the Matching Grants played out. Signs would serve dual purpose with Annual Picnic promotion and general meetings.
    • Sheena made a motion to approve $182.57 to purchase 10 more signs and 15 more stands (as they break). Melissa seconded the motion. Board will vote via email to involve more board members.
  • CNA – Nathan provided a report from the neighborhood representative attending CNA meetings.
  • Treasurers Report
    • As of 4-30-15:
      Checking $689.40
      Savings $1360.20 (combined CD and savings acct)
      Neighborhood Signs $1297.27
      Legion Way Trees $151.35
      Community Beautification $505.14
  • New business
    • Open house at Madison Elementary on May 27th at 6:30
    • The school has asked the ENA to host a table with information. Nathan and Brian will attend with signs showing the dates for the annual garage sale and picnic. They will also bring a laptop to show visitors the ENA website and help them sign up for the email list.
    • Concerned Eastside Neighbors – update on proposed rezone of area behind Forest Cemetery, off 9th and Boulevard (to the east)
    • Joe, Teresa, and Kathleen attended a City Council meeting to comment on the rezone. The City attorney advised the council not hear comments on the rezone based on its relationship to the proposed new development and a rule against hearing comments on development proposals within certain time periods. They felt like they were being silenced.
    • At that City Council meeting, the council also discussed a comprehensive plan amendment that would upgrade 9th east of Boulevard. There will likely be a hearing of some kind between now and September or October when comprehensive plan amendments are voted on.
    • Joe, Teresa, and Kathleen, as well as Brian Brannies attended a public meeting on April 23rd related to the proposed development to voice their concerns to the planning commission.
    • Concerned Eastside Neighbors put signs up at 9th and Boulevard to show their concerns.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:40
  • Minutes submitted by Sheena Pietzold, Joint ENA Secretary

April 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th Ave SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, March 18th, 2014, 6:30PM 
Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association.
Board Members In Attendance: Nathan Allan, Susan Herring,  Melissa Bluestein, Rita Sammons, Ira Silberlicht, Brian Brannies, , Sherry Cillicut
Board Members Absent:  Sheena Pietzold (sick sitter), Ted Braid (had volunteered at Annual meeting but did not show up), Mitch Dennis (we are confirming if he is continuing on as a board member)
Neighbors in Attendance: Sophie – City of Olympia (Bike Boulevard), Teresa Goen-Burgman – Concerned Eastside Neighbors (Medela Rezone), Pat Rasmussen – Olympia village convergence building, Julie Rodwell – Highway Noise Abatement, plus a few more supporters of these speakers


  • Approval of March Minutes
    • Motion Approved
  • Decision on who is going to be Secretary, or if it will be handled jointly.
    • Jointly handled, by Melissa and Sheena.  If backup needed Brian will fill in.
  • ENA Generic Business Cards
    • Distribute to Board Members (10 to 20 each)
  • Dog waste stations update
    • Call for volunteers to help on last installation.
    • Ira waiting for Nathan to get back to him.
  • Neighborhood Match Grant Update
    • RNA (Recogonized Neighborhood Association) updated with City of Olympia by Sherry.
    • Decisions made in May. Volunteer hours can be billed starting in May.
    • Take out bounce house as it increases insurance from $101 to $400+?
    • Annual picnic. Need to have lower insurance. Bouncy house not approved by city.
    • Ideas instead: sack races. Face painting. Children’s museum booth.
    • Band: Oly Mountain Boys: bluegrass band. $750 for two hours.
  • ENA Sign Cleaning
    • Nathan has personally purchased an extension pole for his own use and offers this for cleaning our signs.  Hence we just need cleaning product. “Simple Green” is Nathan’s suggestion. Any better ideas? Simple green at Home Depot $20 on sale. We’re saving $100!
  • Annual Garage Sale
    • More signage? Serve dual purpose with Annual Picnic promotion and general meetings.
    • 10 more signs and 15 more stands (as they break) = $182.57
    • Waiting to vote until matching grant comes through.
  • CNA – Report from attending CNA meetings.
    • Report from Tim Minarachi, who is representing the ENA until a board member can attend.
    • First of, they’re re-upping the MOU, or Memorandum of Understanding that establishes a bridge between the CNA and the City. – minor changes to section it’s filed under from Land Use to Administration (basic relocation) They are adapting a set of standards to guide public input.
    • They want to “rebuild trust between the city and citizens through involvement” In short, the entire meeting was about continuing to develop the CNA, lots of back-patting.
    • They are going to try to get the city to start an official position in an “office of neighborhoods”, basically take on a staff position to handle the paperwork side of things. Or at least that’s the impression I got. There was also a lot of talk about recruiting more neighborhoods and increasing involvement in the CNA- basically it seems to me they have the same problem as the other neighborhood associations with attendance and involvement. They really had no idea how to involve more people.
  • Federal and State Procedures on Highway Noise Abatement
    • Julie Rodwell would like to discuss if our neighborhood has ever looked at more noise protection from I5.
    • PDF: Federal and State Procedures on Highway Noise Abatement.
    • Highlights:
    • I-5 built in 1969, 1 year before noise mitigation in place.
    • Trying to find out how we qualify for a retrofit.
    • No project, no readings.
    • I-5 isn’t officially a code violation for noise.
    • WSDOT says the canyon falls in the grey zone, but it’s not true.
    • Ivy and wood fences do not keep noise out. Appears to be the city right of way, maps aren’t definitive.
    • Reasonableness criteria:
    • We need official readings.
    • Possibility of homeowners building the wall
    • Local improvement project? Outlay is minimal (with approval) and having it be a living wall or art wall and spread out over 30 years possibly.
    • Formula to have a degradation for funding depending on how close you live.
    • Benefits: health vs. hearing loss
    • Should we write our legislators?
    • Motion made by Brian for Julie, as our ENA representative, to go to the City of Lacey and any government agency, to find out more about the costs. Motion approved by ENA board.
    • Can someone in the area, an acoustic consultant or a decibel reader do preliminary readings?
  • Proposal for another security minded ENA General Meeting brought forward by Anna Schlecht
    • Anna isn’t present.
    • Security was discussed but to have a Neighborhood Watch, we have to have someone spearhead instead of just saying we need to have this group. All of the residents would have to participate.
    • Everyone needs to get to know each other better. Have more lights, motion detectors. Report the crimes.
    • Bring up safety issues at the May General meeting. Could be June.
    • Nathan feels we should have positive upbeat meeting and skip the safety issues update.
  • Bike Boulevard in Eastiside – Sophie Stimson, Senior Planner, Public Works Transportation
    • a. Route: Electronic version will be on site.
    • b. Citizens advisory committee involved in developing the route.
    • c. Council wanted a route through the downtown area.
    • d. Will be in the works around next Spring 2016.
    • e. This is a pilot project to see how the community responds and make the case to fund more of these projects.
    • f. This really is the beginning of the project and much more to work on.
    • g. Information will be given as they spend more time researching.
    • h. Tacoma rail also being contacted as improving the pavement around the tracks is their responsibility.
  • Olympia village convergence building – Pat Russmussen
    • a. See presentation on website.
    • b. Ie.)Portland has a project called City Repair where they paint decorative art on the intersections to slow the traffic.
    • c. People in neighborhoods all doing events at the same time.

      i. The Commons@Fertile Ground

      ii. GRuB Farmhouse

      iii. Edible Forest Gardens

      iv. Love our Local Festival

      v. Joy Avenue Pathway

      vi. Farmer’s Market

    • d. Develop a schedule in our neighborhood and other neighborhoods for placemaking.

      i. Coordinate with week of the picnic

      ii. Possibly paint the bulkhead on 5th at Boundary

    • e. Someone brought up National Night Out.

      i. More info is needed.

  • Treasurers Report
    • a. Renewing Long Term CD

      i. Due in the next week. It’s worth $1031.09.

      1. Keep it in the CD or put in Savings account

      2. Motion brought up to put into savings. Motion


    • b. Accounts as of 3/31/15

      i. $698.94 in checking

      ii. $328.93 savings

      iii. $1297.22 in Signs

      iv. $150 in trees

      v. $505.36 for Community Beautification

  • New business.
    • a. Theresa – Forest Cemetery: backside of property being developed.

      i. Proposing a new development. 18-24 new units per acre on 9

      ii. Supposed to be a 1 year moratorium on zoning

      iii. Distance of cemetery to Freeway is 200 yards.

      iv. No city/county ordinances for sound.

      v. Public meeting April 23rd and public hearing coming

      vi. Information posted on website.

      vii. CEPA review was done through Puget Sound Energy acres property and not done on site. The desire is to have the city planner come to the site.

      viii. Brian will try to attend and speak for 3 minutes as a neighborhood property owner and a representative of the ENA and that we are “concerned” about the amount of traffic that will develop in this area.

      ix. Theresa would like the development to be single family instead of rental units.

      x. Where is the new master application?

      xi. co************************@gm***.com

  • Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm
  • Minutes submitted by Melissa Bluestein, Joint ENA Secratary