Special Board Meeting minutes

On August 18, 2007 the ENA board had a special meeting at the picnic. The subject of the meeting was a change in presidents.

Chad Akins has resigned as president but will stay on the board as a board member.

Elaine Nelson was elected as the new president for 2007-2008.

Board members in attendance were Chad Akins, Elaine Nelson,Nathan Allan, Casey Allan, Carol Wilson, Mark Bergeson, Jessica Archer, Luke Bowerman, Jody Suhrbier

The vote was unanimous

Respectfully submitted

Carol Wilson

[Note: more picnic info coming soon!]

July 2007 Minutes

ENA board meeting minutes from Thurs. July 19, 2007   7:00 at New Bridge Community Church  



Members present.  Chad Akins                           Elaine Nelson

                             Jody Suhrbier                       Mark Bergeson

                             Nathan Allan                         Casey Allan

                             Ann Mataczynski                   Jessie Archer

                             Luke Bowerman                     Carol Wilson

Eddy Willingham was also present.


The meeting was called to order at 7:08 and the minutes from the June board meeting were  read and approved.



The picnic was the first item on the agenda. Eddy has volunteered a bounce house of some sort, the sound system, the chess set and other items for fun and games. He also confirmed that Fun 4 All will provide games and activities for the children. They will donate their time with a little prompting from Carol (their mom)  Eddy also offered a guitar duo that would perform and we accepted. New Bridge members are interested in attending and offering to help.


The picnic is on Sat Aug 18th and Eddy will contact the city and check on any special arrangements for the bounce house.  Jody will check with the Carlyon  Neighborhood Association also to get their advice.  We anticipate that the attendance might be over 200. The association will supply the hamburgers, hotdogs and veggie burgers—plus buns and condiments. We will also supply coffee and paper products. Some drinks will be furnished  We are asking attendees to furnish a side dish or dessert.


Mark will post flyers around the park a while before the picnic.   Jody volunteered to bring her BBQ and so did Luke and Jessica. Elaine will look for another BBQ also.


Elaine will do an updated letter to go out to advertisers in the newsletters and anyone who wishes to contact a prospective advertiser should do so. A brochure was sent around with prices and format information.  Eddy and Chad will do a walk around the park to figure out where to put the activities. Nathan and Casey will go to Costco and get the buns, condiments and drinks. Carol will bring the coffee.


Chad will check into disc golf and see about getting some beverages donated. Mark moved that we set a picnic budget of $500.00 and it was seconded by Luke. The motion passed unanimously.




David Hanna talked to Nathan and the  Madison Scenic Park property  is still  in negotiations with the school district. He thought the pea patch idea was a great one and encouraged us to pursue that when the land negotiations are figured out. They would love us to do some volunteer labor in the park and will support us in whatever we decided.

Jody also suggested that we contact a lady she remembers from the Lions Club about some upgrades  at Lions park, The city would be willing to pursue that also and the Lions Club has expressed an interest in the past.   


The newsletter will be done on Aug. 2nd or 3rd. It will be distributed soon after that. Luke stated the context will be Picnic information, an update on New Bridge and St Mikes construction, an update on the signs and  something on the opening of the pathway on Eastside Street. 


Nathan expressed some concern about the St Mikes project. The road (11th Ave ) was closed without any notice and there has been very little communication between the construction company and the neighbors. The road closure has impacted the business at the bed and breakfast.  We would like to stay on top of that and let them know are concerns.


There will be no board meeting in August any business we need to conduct can be done at the picnic.


Meeting adjourned at 8:35


Minutes respectfully submitted by Carol Wilson ENA secretary

Summer Newsletter Deadline

The summer edition of the Eastside Neighborhood Association newsletter will be published in early August.  The deadline for newsletter content is Friday July 20.  Email [email protected] with your stories and ads.

Stories and story ideas about neighborhood happenings, concerns and people are all welcome.  We also accept advertising for local businesses and events.  A business-card size ad is $50.  More details are available from [email protected].

Summer Picnic

The Annual Neighborhood Picnic is an Eastside tradition. Join your friends and neighbors at Lions Park from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, August 18. Watch for your August newsletter or join the ENA email list for more details.