January 2007 Board meeting minutes

ENA Board minutes from Thurs. Jan 25th 2007
Swantown Inn                 7:05

Members present
Jody Suhrbier
Nathan Allan
Mark Bergeson
Carol Wilson
Casey Allan
Ann Mataczynski
Katie Stoll
Elaine Nelson
Chad Akins

The minutes were amended to read that the Dentist’s office donated $600.00 to the sign project not $60.00.  They were then approved as amended.  Katie moved we approved the amended minutes and Ann seconded it.

Elaine will begin again contacting people for advertising in the newsletter. Chad suggested contacting the Secretary of State to get the names of people in the area with home based businesses.  Katie and Elaine will come up with a game plan to make better use of the advertising possibilites.

The general meeting is on Thurs Feb 8th. It will be at the Light and Life Church as usual. There will be an update on the New Bridge Church at Madison, a presentation on the plans for the trees on Legion, a presentation on being prepared for emergencies by the fire department, and elections to the board.  Jody will structure this so that the meeting will end by 9:00.

Since Carol won’t be at the meeting arrangements were made for refreshments.

Terri Zander has decided not to run for the board  Katie, Jody, Mark and Carol have agreed to run again. Both Chad and Elaine volunteered to run for the board.

It was suggested by Nathan that we figure out a way to welcome new people to the neighborhood.. Perhaps we could all be given post cards to hand out to people we see moving into the neighborhood. We could offer them coupons and information.

Chad is still working on the wi-fi project. He is continuing to look at ordinances and permits to offer a free wireless network in the neighborhood.

A copy of a letter was circulated around the board about a nuisance address on Legion Way. Some concerns have been expressed by about 12 households in that area. Lots of suspicious activities in the area.

Mark handed out a detailed treasurer’s report.

Chad agreed to contact AmeriCorps in regards to their offer involving a group project to facilitate community beautification. He will post his information on the website.

Ron Jones may be attending our May general meeting to tell us more about the city’s plan to make the revamping of the waste disposal process. The goal is to make the city waste free.

The next board meeting will be Thurs. Feb.15th at Carol’s house. We need to hold board elections.

Respectfully submitted    Carol Wilson ENA secretary

General meeting & financial report

Tonight is the ENA General Meeting — February 8, 7 pm at the Light & Life Church on 7th Street.  We’ll be hearing from the city about the trees on Legion and emergency preparedness, get an update about the sale of the old Madison School, and holding elections.

If you’re interested in volunteering with the ENA, consider becoming a member of the board of directors.

Also, attached to this post is the 2006 financial report, with details of the association’s financial activities for last year.

September 2006 Board meeting minutes

ENA BOARD MEETING   Thurs. Sept. 21, 2006
Swantown Inn      7:00

The meeting was called to order by Nathan, acting as president in Jody’s
absence, at 7:15.

Members present
Nathan Allan
Casey Allan
Jessica Archer
Ann Mataczynski
Carol Wilson
Mark Bergeson
Katie Stoll

Guests were Chris Hawkins  Thurston County Heatlth Department and Eddie
Willingham New Bridge Community Church.

The minutes were read and approved from the August board meeting

Eddie told us there were  currently 2 men patrolling the old Madison School
to watch for vandals and any other activity.

Mark reported that the treasury is at the break even stage currently.

The work on the neighborhood signs is continuing. Jessica and Nathan have
found a good price on the signs. Terry has gotten all the buckets we need
for mixing cement from Big Toms. Jody will order the posts. The cost will be
about $150.00 per sign.  New Bridge would like to donate some money to help
us out. Probably about $600.00
We will put the signs in buckets at the Swantown Inn. Elaine is still
working on the letters to ask businesses for donations. Jessica will
establish a list of interested people and members to approach about
financial support

Chris talked to us about the STEPS program and gave us a sheet about it. He
asked us to continue our participation in it and we agreed. We were invited
to a workshop at the Health Department and said we would try to attend.

Eddy showed us a blueprint of the proposed new church and parking lot. They
plan to create 122 new parking stalls. They are about to begin refoofing the
school. He also asked for our support during the upcoming land use hearings
and we said we would be of any support we could.

The next general meeting is scheduled for Thurs the 12th of Oct. After some
discussion it was suggested that we change the date until the 26th of
October, The reasons behind this were the fast approaching newsletter
deadline and the upcoming travel plans of many board members who would be
gone on the 12th. Nathan  agreed to contact Jody and any other board members
for their input and then get back to the rest of us.

Katie will continue work on the newsletter and get them to the printer and
then Ann.

Nathan will put together an agenda for the general meeting after talking to
Jody and then Katie can get it into the newsletter. Jessica will try to set
up a presentation on both sides of the 933 initiative. It involves land use
issues. Carol and Ann will supply the refreshments for the meeting.

Mark stated that we need to register with the Sec of State as a nonprofit
organization. He moved that we change the name of the registering agent from
Dan Kapsner(past association president) to Jody Suhrbier(current president)
it was seconded by Katie and passed unanimously.

T he meeting was adjourned at 8:50

Respectfully submitted.

Carol Wilson, secretary

July Board Meeting — tentative agenda

Eastside Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Swantown Inn, corner of 11th & Central St. SE

A.  Welcome and Intros
Action:  Review and Approve June Minutes

B.  Old Business
-Neighborhood Entrance Sign Project (Nathan/Jody/All)
Action:  Finalize Tasks & Timeline
-National Guard Training at Madison Elementary (Margaret)
Action:  Vote on Draft Letter (no quorum reached via email)
-Newsletter (Jody/Terry/Katie)
Action:  Appoint New Advertising Representative

C.  New Business
-Annual Picnic, August 19th (All)
Action:  Assign Tasks
-ENA/New Bridge Yard Sale, August 26th (Eddy/Jody)
-Fundraising ­ Café Press (Elaine) & Stormans (Jody)
-Treasurer’s Report (Mark)

D.  Announcements and Adjourn

Public meeting: disc golf facility assessment

The City of Olympia Parks, Arts & Recreation Department invites those interested in the sport of disc golf and/or the possibility of a disc golf facility being built, to attend a public meeting on Monday, July 24th from 6-8pm at The Olympia Center (222 Columbia St. NW), room 101/102.  For more information, please call Terry Rodgers, Associate Director, at (360) 753-8061.