attending: Luke, Elaine, Ann, Tim, Chad

reviewed November minutes, approved.

Update: newsletter will go to press tomorrow, has 4 ads & pretty much pays for itself. Compass Rose is doing a full year of quarter sheet.

Board Elections

Casey is not going to be on the board, Nathan will be resigning as VP but staying on the board.

Feb. general mtg is at St Mike’s.

Explanation of the process: general members elected at the general meeting, board members elected at the Feb board meeting. Discussion of what the roles are supposed to be. Email to Mark Derricott (came to last meeting) and Tim Byrne (doing grafitti stuff), asking if they’re interested.

Chad mentioned city-organized wood chipping events. Will be on fewer days because of budget cuts.

Tim wants to help with newsletter distribution; Jessie manages distribution. Is there a need? Not sure.

Will be printing 1150 this time to make sure there’s enough.

Chad is going to take on newsletter production. Tim requested sudoku. 🙂 Some mention of interesting ideas floating around for other newsletters, possibly city-wide.